about me

Hi, my name is Bence Fazakas, I was born in 1998 and I'm currently living in Cluj Napoca, Romania. I was born in Transylvania and got my BA degree in Photography, film making at Sapientia EMTE here in Cluj.
I'm currently working as a freelancer photographer in creating photographic advertisements for clients. This includes product photos, portraits and different ad materials. On the side I also do video work in the same domain. 
In my free time I shoot film, documenting all the impulses and little changes in my life.
Photography is the only way I can express myself how I really want, so I stick to it.


Analog Sparks International Photography Awards
2nd Place in Architecture / Gold Winner in Architecture/Other


NOMA (new observations of momentary art) - Mediterranean summer (RO)


Analog Sparks / Best of Show Exhibition / House Of Lucie / 2024 / Athens (GR)
Analog Sparks / Best of Show Exhibition / House Of Lucie / 2024 / Budapest (GR)


Világ a világban
A fény képei / II. Fotóművészeti Szalon / Műcsarnok /2021 / Budapest (HU)


First Cut III - group exhibition / Univ. Sapientia /2019 / Cluj-Napoca (RO)
VIZUALIA photo festival - group exhibition / 2019 / Cluj-Napoca (RO)


FOCUS photo festival - group exhibition / 2019 / Cluj-Napoca (RO)